Christopher Josey

Christopher Josey has developed a reputation in the University of Missouri College of Arts and Science as an engaging, effective teacher with a strong commitment to teaching excellence in the classroom. During his time at MU, Josey has been repeatedly recognized for his excellence by students and colleagues alike as noted by his department chair,…

Lee Manion

As an associate professor in the College of Arts & Science, Manion is regarded by colleagues as a leader in his field. He has received a perfect student evaluation score of 5.0 for nine out of the 14 years he has been teaching at MU — and a score of more than 4.8 for the…

Beth Whitaker

As an assistant teaching professor, Whitaker’s approach to teaching and learning is grounded in research with student engagement at the forefront. Her purpose is to help students see how their personal intelligence and skills will allow their vision of becoming an educational leader come to fruition. Cultivating a learning community that fosters trust and respect…

Lea Ann Lowery

As a 1988 alumna of MU, Lowery graduated from the same occupational therapy training degree program where she is now a faculty member. Ever since her arrival in 2004, Lowery has been striving for excellence as an educator — constantly modifying teaching methods, learning new strategies, attending training workshops, conferences, courses and even obtaining additional…

S. David Mitchell

Mitchell is known throughout the MU School of Law for his passion, thoughtfulness and teaching philosophy that exemplifies putting students first. It’s a sentiment often echoed by his students. “Dr. Mitchell is a patient and positive instructor who is accessible to students when we need him,” said Dee Arrington, a second-year law student. “He is…