Donald G. Meyer
Donald Meyer has a passion and enthusiasm for teaching that engages the undergraduate students in each of his classes, as well as a wealth of practical business experience that contributes to his teaching excellence. While working at Anheuser-Busch as director of international marketing, Meyer managed marketing budgets worth hundreds of millions of dollars and worked…

Botswana Blackburn
Before she took on the roles of University of Missouri student and professor, Botswana Blackburn stepped on campus as a participant in the Missouri Scholars Academy, a program that invites 330 of Missouri’s most gifted incoming high school juniors for a chance to experience Mizzou. During her time as an undergraduate student in the Missouri…

Peter P. Motavalli
Peter Motavalli uses a rather unique approach to teach his students – a “living laboratory.” Instead of relying on the traditional lecture format, Motavalli engages students through evidence-based active learning strategies. Motavalli’s “living laboratory” includes a tour of MU’s campus to learn about storm water drainage, water pollution and multiple environmental monitoring stations, including Sanborn…

Brian Silvey
Brian Silvey has led a dedicated and outstanding career by educating a diverse set of students for almost a decade at the University of Missouri. Silvey’s commitment to his students’ success has created strong relationships with those he has inspired over the years. He has taught an array of classes while at MU and stands…

Jennifer Fellabaum-Toston
Jennifer Fellabaum-Toston dedicates herself not only to the continuous education of her students, but also to the teaching preparation of her colleagues at the University of Missouri and beyond. Serving as a professor, advisor for master’s and graduate certificate students, and director for Missouri Statewide Cooperative Ed.D. program, Fellabaum-Toston embraces her research, administrative duties and…