Michael Barnes

Department of Classical Studies
Michael Barnes, who has taught in the Department of Classical Studies at MU since 2004, leaves a lasting impression on his students. Barnes teaches introductory, Honors College and graduate-level courses, including the introductory course in classical mythology.
Barnes combines diverse approaches to instruction while creating a casual mood in the classroom.
Sam Kruvand, senior in classics and history
“He not only has the ability to explain difficult material, displaying a great wealth of knowledge, but also can relate the subject matter back to the world of college students,” says Samuel Kruvand, a former student.
As a teacher and adviser, Barnes dedicates a large amount of his time to meeting with students individually. As the director of undergraduate studies in his department, he advises students on course selection and career paths. He has served as co-facilitator for a Freshman Interest Group in classics and as the editor of Classical and Modern Literature, a journal published by the Department of Classical Studies. He also has created opportunities for graduate students to learn how to conduct scholarly research in the classical studies field.
“Students flock to his classes and work hard in them. Faculty praise him for his extensive and thorough preparation and the quality of materials he produces. All recognize his natural enthusiasm and engaging manner,” says David Schenker, chair and associate professor of the Department of Classical Studies. “In my 25 years of teaching at the college and university level, I have never seen a better teacher than Mike Barnes.”
Barnes earned a bachelor’s degree in classical studies and English literature at the University of Houston and a master’s degree and doctorate at MU.