Jennifer (Moeller) Rowe

School of Journalism
Jennifer (Moeller) Rowe has been a member of the MU faculty since 1998.
Rowe uses her combination of energy and expertise to engage Missouri School of Journalism students both in the classroom and in the school’s magazine laboratory. She teaches magazine editing, works as the editorial director of Vox magazine and serves on the Missouri Association of Publications Board of Directors.
“Professor Rowe is fantastic; she is a grammar guru and truly an asset to the Missouri School of Journalism,” said a former student. “She teaches with passion and is eager to see her students succeed.”
In 2007 and 2008, Rowe was named a Mizzou ’39 Faculty Honoree. In 2004, she earned the MU Provost’s Outstanding Junior Faculty Teaching Award. Under her direction, her students garner accolades as well. In 2002, Vox magazine won first place for single-issue general excellence in the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication student contest.
Rowe is described as a principled, powerful and compassionate teacher who addresses the interests and needs of her students when developing her curriculum. Students consistently list her courses as the most valuable in preparing them for editing careers.
“The guidance, enthusiasm and knowledge that Professor Rowe bestows upon her students are why the magazine industry looks to the MU Journalism School to fill vacant positions,” said Ryan Wallace, a former MU student and a writer for Southern Living magazine.
“We, her students, leave the program with a skill set that is unmatched by graduates of other schools because we have been challenged and inspired by Professor Rowe’s love of words and her passion for teaching.”
Rowe earned a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in journalism at MU. Before joining the faculty, she worked as a graduate teaching assistant at MU and the managing editor of Missouri magazine.