Mitchell S. McKinney

Department of Communication
In Mitchell McKinney’s nine years of teaching at Mizzou, his enthusiasm has made a lasting impact on his students and colleagues. Known for going the extra mile in the Department of Communication, McKinney has taught more than seven different courses, often using the latest technology to enhance learning in the classroom.
“I really felt that his use of technology and examples was incredibly effective, to the point that I would find myself sharing links of things we watched in class with my friends,” one former student said.
As a renowned expert on political communication, McKinney is frequently asked for insight on the topic, whether as a guest lecturer at the University of Zurich or an expert consultant for national and international news media.
As a role model for many of the department’s graduate students, McKinney pushes his pupils to be both excellent teachers and excellent researchers.
“Dr. McKinney’s passion for knowledge and communication motivates him to continue to grow and learn, which further enhances his teaching effectiveness and ability to disseminate knowledge,” said Loreen Olson, associate professor of communication. “This motivation translates into his ability as a teacher by continuing to develop knowledge of the subject matter, familiarity with current events that impact classroom content, and skill as a teacher.”
In 2006, McKinney was selected by the National Communication Association to serve a one-year term as director of academic affairs in Washington, D.C. This experience has helped McKinney illustrate for his students professional applications for an education in communication.
McKinney holds a bachelor’s degree from Western Kentucky University, a master’s from the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill and a doctorate from the University of Kansas.